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/* ここに書いたCSSはすべての外装に反映されます */ /* フォント・ファミリの設定 */ /* [[MediaWiki‐ノート:Common.css#特定テンプレート用のCSSをTemplateStylesに移行する提案(1回目)]]により非推奨化([[Template:Unicode]]への移行推奨) */ body { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystem, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN", "Hiragino Sans", "BIZ UDPGothic", Meiryo, sans-serif; } .selector { font-feature-settings: "palt"; } /* make the list of references look smaller */ ol.references, div.reflist { font-size: 90%; /* Default font-size */ } div.reflist ol.references { font-size: 100%; /* Reset font-size when nested in div.reflist */ list-style-type: inherit; /* Enable custom list style types */ } /* Default style for navigation boxes */ .navbox { /* Navbox container style */ box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px solid #a2a9b1; width: 100%; margin: auto; clear: both; font-size: 88%; text-align: center; padding: 1px; } .navbox + .navbox { margin-top: -1px; /* Single pixel border between adjacent navboxes */ } .navbox-inner, .navbox-subgroup { width: 100%; 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Made visible again in [[MediaWiki:Group-checkuser.css]], [[MediaWiki:Group-sysop.css]], [[MediaWiki:Group-abusefilter.css]], [[MediaWiki:Group-extendedconfirmed.css]], [[MediaWiki:Group-autoconfirmed.css]], and [[MediaWiki:Group-user.css]]. */ .checkuser-show, .sysop-show, .abusefilter-show, .extendedconfirmed-show, .autoconfirmed-show, .user-show { display: none; } .wikitable, .tracklist { white-space:nowrap; } #ca-talk { display:none!important; } /*議論タブを消す*/ #ca-history { display:none!important; } /*履歴表示タブを消す*/ #ca-viewsource { display:none!important; } /*ソース表示タブを消す*/ #footer { display: none; } #footer-places { display: none; } #footer-info-lastmod { display: none; } /* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Citizen skin */ #ca-talk { display:none!important; } /*議論タブを消す*/ #ca-history { display:none!important; } /*履歴表示タブを消す*/ #ca-viewsource { display:none!important; } /*ソース表示タブを消す*/ #footer { display: none; } :root { --width-layout: 100vw; /* Slightly wider content */ } /* 表が縦に長くなるのを防ぐ */ .wikitable, .tracklist { overflow-wrap: break-word; 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font-weight: normal; } /* Put ordinals in front of ordered list items */ #bodyContent .hlist ol { counter-reset: listitem; } #bodyContent .hlist ol > li { counter-increment: listitem; } #bodyContent .hlist ol > li:before { content: " " counter(listitem) ".\a0"; } #bodyContent .hlist dd ol > li:first-child:before, #bodyContent .hlist dt ol > li:first-child:before, #bodyContent .hlist li ol > li:first-child:before { content: " (" counter(listitem) "\a0"; } /* 日本語版の独自仕様。-pipe、-hyphen、-comma、-slash */ #bodyContent .hlist-pipe dd:after, #bodyContent .hlist-pipe li:after { content: " |" !important; font-weight: normal; } #bodyContent .hlist-hyphen dd:after, #bodyContent .hlist-hyphen li:after { content: " -" !important; font-weight: normal; } #bodyContent .hlist-comma dd:after, #bodyContent .hlist-comma li:after { content: "、" !important; font-weight: normal; } #bodyContent .hlist-slash dd:after, #bodyContent .hlist-slash li:after { content: " /" !important; font-weight: normal; } /* Unbulleted lists */ .plainlist ol, .plainlist ul { list-style: none none; 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