Ishihama Kakeru

Ishihama Kakeru

Composer / Arranger

Born in Aichi, Japan.
With his father playing bass in a band and his mother a flutist, Ishihama grew up naturally accustomed to music and from an early age. Admiration for John Lennon led him to learn guitar alongside songwriting.
After entering Koyo Music Academy in Aichi Prefecture, he became interested in UK rock and Celtic music after seeing Keira and Carlos Nuñez live while still a student.
Joined MONACA in spring 2008. Composes music incorporating various genres such as rock, world music and dance music.

Musical StrengthsPop band-sound. Synth-heavy beat-based music
Work MottoWhile striving for music that brings out the charm of the content,
also willing to go one step further and try new things.


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