Seo Shotaro

Seo Shotaro

Lyricist / Composer / Arranger

Born in Kanagawa, Japan.
Studied harmony and solfege during classical piano lessons with his mother, who was a piano teacher.
Enrolling in the Department of Law at Rikkyo University, he also joined a church choir. Here, he encountered the music of Herbert Howells, Charles Wood and others with a unique perspective on the world that combines a solemn atmosphere with impressive melodies.
After graduating from university, he joined MONACA in 2015 as a sound creator.
With his experience as a choir singer, he strives to construct melodies that are focused on the emotions of the singer as well as the listener; working on music production centred on catchy melodies, and the use of sounds that bring a magical feeling.

Musical StrengthsMusic that incorporates the piano, with a crystal-clear sound
Work MottoMelodies that can be loved by anyone
Hobbies/TalentsChoir, piano, swimming, going out for walks, watching MLB games


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